DUSSEK’s | Third | GRAND CONCERTO in C. | Composed for the | Piano-forte, | with or without additional keys as performen at | Salomon’s & the Opera Concerts | with | Accompaniments for two Violins, Tenor, | two Flutes, zwo Horns and Bass. | Dedicated to | M.|R|S F. G. SMYTH | [left:] Op. 29 [right:] Price 7.6 | without Accomp. 6.|s| By the Author. | Ent.|d at Stationers Hall | London, Printed & Sold by Longman & Broderip, N.|o 26 Cheapside & N.|o 13 Haymarket.
- Craw Catalogue N.: C 125
- RISM ID: 990015757
- RISM N.: A/I D 4047; DD 4047
- Shelfmark: JLD.orch.9