London, Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU, Music Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29 New Bond Sreet. | PRELUDES | for the | Piano-Forte, | in Various Keys. | Adapted to the different capacities of Learners. | COMPOSED | and respectfully inscribed to | Miss Ellin Devis | by | WILLIAM DANCE, | Musician in Ordinary to his Majesty. | Ent.|d at Stationers Hall | [left:] Published October, 1800 [right:] Price 6 Shilings | NB. As above may be had by the same Author. | […]
- RISM N.: 990012780
- RISM ID.: A/I D 884; DD 884
- Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 39