Musical Sources

at The Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini (Lucca)

Sigla: I-Lcs
(In collaboration with RISM – Répertoire Internationale des Sources Musicales)

Below it is possible to find the musical sources owned by the Centro Studi Opera Omnia Luigi Boccherini.

Clicking on the images further details of the sources can be showed.

Many of these sources are unique specimens, not held in other archives and libraries.

The scholar who would wish a digital reproduction of one or more sources can make a request directly at the following email address:

Should some sources be the subject of modern edition, reproduction will be carried out after the editorial project is completed.


ID N.ShelfmarkContentCategoriesSourceImagehf:doc_categories

Three | SONATAS, | for the | Piano Forte | with an Accompaniment for the | Flute or Violin | Composed by | J. L. DUSSEK. | [left:] Op. 51 [center:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. [right:] Price 8. s. | London, | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, | 26, Cheapside.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 23-25
  • RISM N.: 990015984
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4278; DD 4278
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Grand quintetto pour le pianoforte avec accompagnement d’un violon, alto, violoncelle obligés et contrebasse ad libitum … œuvre 47. Paris, chez Pleyel, auteur et editeur, Md. de musique et d’instrumens, rue Neuve des Petits Champs, n. 1286, vis-à-vis la Trésorerie Nationale

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 197
  • RISM N.: 990015795
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4086; DD 4086
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Six | AIRS VARIÉS | POUR | Clavecin Ou Forté-Piano | L. DUSSEK | OEuvre VI. | Prix: 6. |f|r | A PARIS | chez SIEBER père, Editeur et M.|d de Musique, rue Coquilière N.|o 22 | près celle J. J. Rousseau (ci-devant rue S.|t Honoré, Hôtel Alligre.) | 746

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 44-49
  • RISM N.: 990016033
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4327
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

VIOTTI’S FAVORITE POLLACCA, | Sung by Sig.|r|a Banti, | At the King’s Theatre Haymarket, | ARRANGED as a RONDO for the PIANO-FORTE, | BY | J. L. DUSSEK. | [left:] Ent.|d at Stationers Hall. [right:] Price 1s. 6d. | Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co. Music Sellers to her Majesty, No.67 Dean Street, Soho, & Bridge Street, Edinburgh. | Where are Published all the favorite Songs & Duetts of the Italian Opera

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 105
  • RISM N.: 990067075
  • RISM ID: D 4394; DD 4394 V 2091; VV 2091
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

The favorite song of The willow sung by Mrs. Bland in the Captive of Spilburg, performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane [London, Edinburgh, Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co.]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 155
  • RISM N.: 990016321
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4616; DD 4616
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois sonates pour le le clavecin ou le forte-piano dont deux avec violon obligé et la troisième sans accompagnement. Dediées à madame De Moungeroult par M.r Dussek … œuvre 5|e [Paris, Boyer; Mme Le Menu]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 41-43
  • RISM N.:990015857
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4150; DD 4150
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | Pour le Pianoforte | avec Accompagnement de Violon et Violoncelle. | Composées | PAR | J. L. Dussek. | Nouvelle Edition. | ŒUVRE 24 PRIX 9|t|t | A PARIS | Chez Naderman Editeur de Musique de Harpes, Rue de Richelieu | Passage de l’ancien Caffé de Foi, à la Clef d’Or.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 141-143
  • RISM N.:99990015818
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4109
  • Shelfmark:


Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Les Adieux Nouvelle Sonate Pour le Forté Piano, Oeuvre 44

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 178
  • RISM N.:990016139
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4433
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Recueil | d’Airs Connus |VARIÉS | Pour le Piano | Dédié à Madame | Biancour | PAR | J. L. DUSSEK. | Op. 71. Priz 9f. 2.e Suite | Propriété de l’Editeur. Déposée à la Bibl.e Imp.le | A PARIS, | [Naderman]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 244-246
  • RISM N.:991017792
  • RISM ID: A/I DD 4492a
  • Shelfmark:
  • Comments: Imprint of Lemoine ainé
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

VIOTTI’S | Grand Concerto | in G | adapted for the | Piano-Forte, | BY | J. L. Dussek, | [left:] Ent. Stat. Hall. [right: ] Price 10. 6. | London, | Printed for the Author, by Clementi & C.|o 26, Cheapside.

  • RISM N.:990016309
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4604; DD 4604
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.1
Orchestral Music, Piano MusicPrintorchestral-music piano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

The | Overture | & Characteristic Pieces | As introduced between the Acts analogical to the representation | of the Celebrated Tragedy of | Pizarro | as performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane | Composed & arranged for the Piano Forte by I. L. Dussek [London, Edinburgh, Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co.]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 173
  • RISM N.:990016327
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4622; DD 4622
  • Shelfmark:
Piano Music, Theatrical MusicPrintpiano-music theatrical-music dussek-jan-ladislav

La chasse pour piano forte par J. L. Dussek. Gravée par Mlle Lebrun [Paris, Pleyel]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 146
  • RISM N.:990016053
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4347; DD 4347
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | Pour | Clavecin Ou Forté-Piano | Avec Accompagnement de Violon | Composées Par | M. Dussek | Œuvre X|e | Prix 9.|t|t | A. Paris. | Chez le S.|r Sieber Musicien rue S.|t honoré entre celles des | Vielles Eluves et celle D’orléans [crossed out: chez l’Apothicaire] N.o 85

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 60-62
  • RISM N.:990015871
  • RISM ID: A/I D 4347; DD 4347
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois sonates pour le pianoforte, avec accompagnement d’un violon ad libitum … op. XIV [London, J. Dale]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: Deest
  • RISM ID: 990015895
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4189
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A | FAVORITE SONATA. | for the | Piano Forte. | Composed by | J. L. Dussek. | From Op. [in ink:] 14 | N.|o [in ink: 1] Price [in ink: 3] | London. | Printed by Goulding, D’Almaine, Potter, & C.|o | Music Sellers, & Musical Instrument Manufacturers, 20. Soho Sq.|e | & 7. Westmorland Street Dublin.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: Deest
  • RISM ID: 1001193525
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois sonates pour le pianoforte, avec accompagnement d’un violon ad libitum. Par Mr. Dussek. op. 13. à Paris Chez Naderman, Rue de Richelieu, à la Clef d’Or, Passage de l’ancien Caffé de Foy. Chez Made. Le Menu, Rue du Roule, à la Clef d’Or.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 60-62
  • RISM ID: 991017736
  • RISM A/I D 4186; D 4186a
  • Shelfmark:



Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A | SONATA. | for the | Piano Forte. | in which is Introduced | a favorite Air. | with an Accompaniment for a | Violin or Flute. | Dedicated to the R[igh].|t Hon[ora].|ble | Lady Elizabeth Montague, | By | J. L. DUSSEK. | from Op. 25. | Ent. Sta. Hall. London. Pr 3 | Printed by Goulding, D’Almaine, Potter, & C.|o, 20 Soho Square, & 7, Westmorland St. Dublin.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 126
  • RISM ID: 1001193540
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Six sonatas for the piano forte, with an accompaniment for a violin dedicated to Miss Shaw, composed by J.L. Dussek. op. 28 [London, Printed & sold by Preston & son]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 118-123
  • RISM ID: 990015946
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4240; DD 4240
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Three | SONATAS | WITH | SCOTCH AND GERMAN AIRS | AND | THREE PRELUDES, | for the | PIANO FORTE. | with or without Additional Keys | Being the Continuation of Op. 25. | WITH ACCOMPANIMENTS FOR A VIOLIN OR FLUTE & BASS | Ad Libitum. | DEDICATED TO MISS WHELER | AND | MISS PENELOPE WHELER. | by | J. L. DUSSEK | [left:] Entered at Stationers Hall [center:] Op. 31 [right:] Prix 8.s | Printed and Sold by Corri, Dussek & C|o Music Sellers to their Majesties and their Royal | Highnesses the Prince of Wales & Dutchesses of York, N. 67 & 68 Dean Street Soho | N. 28 Haymarket London, and Bridgestreet Edinbourgh.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 60-62
  • RISM ID: 990015823
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4115; DD 4115
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Dussek’s | GRAND OVERTURE | For Two Performers On One | Piano Forte, | With the Additional Keys | As Performed | AT M.|R SALOMON’S | And other Concerts, | by | The Author & Mad.|m Dussek. | Dedicated to the | MISS DE VISMES. | Enter’d at Stationer’s Hall | Pr [in ink:] 5|s | Sold at Preston’s Music Warehouse, 97, Strand. | […]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 144
  • RISM ID: 1001193565
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A grand sonata for the piano forte, with an accompaniment for a violin … op. 36 [London, Chappell & Co.]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 154
  • RISM ID: 990015958
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4252
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Adieu. A Favorite Duett [B] by Mr. Kelly, as sung in Lionell & Clarissa … arranged for the piano forte by Dussek [London, Corri, Dussek & Co.]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 175
  • RISM ID: 990016266
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4560
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A | DUET | For Two Performers on One | Piano Forte | Composed | & Dedicated to | THE TWO SISTERS | By | J. L. Dussek. | OP. 48. Pr. 5.|s | London, Printed by Clementi & C.|o 26. Cheapside.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 186
  • RISM ID: 1001193571
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A | Grand Quartett, | for the | Piano Forte, | Violin, Tenor & Violoncello, | Composed & dedicated to His Royal Highness | Prince Lewis Ferdinand, | OF PRUSSIA, BY | J. L. Dussek. | Op. 53. Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. Price 6.|s | LONDON | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26, Cheapside.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 197
  • RISM ID: 1001193582
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Three | AIRS, | Arranged with Variations, | for the | Piano Forte. | by | J. L. Dussek. | op. 71 Pr. 7/6 | LONDON, | Printed & Sold by Preston at his Wholesale Warehouses | 97, Strand

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 244-246
  • RISM ID: 1001193593
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

RECUEIL | d’Airs Connus | VARIÉS | Pour le Piano. | Composé | PAR J. L. DUSSEK | Et exécuté à son Concert de l’Odéon. | 1.|ere Suite. Œuvre 71. | Prix. 9. | A PARIS, | Chez Naderman, Editeur de Musique et Facteur de Harpes, Rue de Richelieu, | Passage de l’ancien Café de Foi, à la Clef d’Or.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 244-246
  • RISM ID: 1001193514
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

LA DERNIÈRE PENSÉE | DE | J. L. Dussek | RONDO | sur l’Air Ma Barque Légère | DE | GRÉTRY | Tiré de l’OEuvre Posthume. | Prix 3.|f 75.|c | A PARIS | a la Nouveauté, au Magazin de Musique et d’Instrumens de PH. PETIT, Suc.|r de P. Gaveaux, | Rue Vivienne, N.|o 18, ci-devant Passage Feydeau | 55. P.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 260-c
  • RISM ID: 1001192454
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

DUET | for | Two Performers | ON THE | PIANO FORTE, | Composed & Dedicated to | THE TWO SISTERS, | BY | J. L. DUSSEK. | Op: 48. | LONDON | Published for the Proprieters by | METZLER & C.|o | 37. Great Marlborough Street.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 186
  • RISM ID: 1001194127
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

AIRS | Variés pour le Piano, | avec Accompagnemen de Violon et Basse | Par | L. DUSSEK. | Prix 6.|f | [left, with incipit:] La Rachelina. [right, with incipit:] Romance de Nina. | [left, with incipit:] Oui noir n’est pas si diable. [right, with incipit:] Nel cor più non mi sento. | A PARIS, | Chez BOIELDIEU Jeune, Rue de Richelieu, N.|o 80, auf coin de celle Feydeau. | Propriété de l’Editeur. Déposé à la D.|on G.|le de la Lib.|rie | (410.)

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 197
  • RISM ID:1001194130
  • A/I P 3779
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

ŒUVRE DERNIER | ET POSTHUME | de J. L. Dussek. | Deux Sonates | Pour le Forte Piano | Avec Accompagnement de Violon et Basse. | DÉDIÉES PAR L’AUTEUR | à Monsieur C. Biancour. | Prix 12.f Sur Papier ordinaire, et 18.f sur Velin et orné du Portrait de l’Auteur, Gravé par […] | [left:] Propriété de l’Editeur. [right:] Déposé à la Bibl.e Imp.le. | à Paris | Chez Naderman, Editeur de Musique et Facteur de Harpes, Rue de Richelieu, N.o 46. | Passage de l’ancien Café de Foi, à la Clef d’Or. | [right:] A. Aubert Junior, Scrip.t

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 260-261
  • RISM ID: 990015844
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4136; DD 4136
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

AIR DE MA BARQUE LÉGÈRE | Arrange pour le Piano seul par J. L. Dussek. | N|t|a. l’Editeur a cru devoir joindre cet Air à la suite de ses Sonates à fin de ne pas | priver de public de la dernière pensée de l’Auteur [Paris, Naderman]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 260-c
  • RISM ID:990016299
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4594
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

A | CONCERTO | FOR THE | Grand or Small | Piano Forte, | with Accompaniments in which is introduced | The Favorite AIR of the | PLOUGH BOY | Composed by | J. L. Dussek | [left:] OP. 15 [center:] Entered at Stationers Hall. [right:] PR. [?] | LONDON: | Printed by Broderip & Wilkinson, N.|o 13, Hay Market | Where may be had all the above Authors Works

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 53
  • RISM ID: 990015725
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4015; DD 4015
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.2
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

THE GRAND | Military Concerto, | for the | Piano Forte, | with Accompaniment | As performed at the Opera Concerts, | Composed & dedicated to | Miss Beauchamp, | by | J. L. DUSSEK.| [left:] Op. 40 [center:] London [right:] Price 8|s | Printed by CLEMENTI & C.|o | Music Sellers to the Royal Family, 26 Cheapside. | Ent.|d at Sta. Hall

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 153
  • RISM ID: 990015768
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4015; DD 4015
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.3
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

THE GRAND | Military Concerto, | for the | Piano Forte, | with Accompaniment | As performed at the Opera Concerts, | Composed & dedicated to | Miss Beauchamp, | by | J. L. DUSSEK.| [left:] Op. 40 [center:] London [right:] Price 8|s | Printed by CLEMENTI & C.|o | Music Sellers to the Royal Family, 26 Cheapside. | Ent.|d at Sta. Hall

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 97
  • RISM ID: 990015743
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4033
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.4
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | pour le | Pianoforte | avec accompagnement | d’un Violon ad libitum, | dédiées à | M|e|l|l|e D. Manesty | composées | par | J. L. Dussek. | [at left:] Op. 14. [at right:] Pr. 1 R. 8 Gr. | Chez C. F. Peters, | Bureau de Musique à Leipzig.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 71-73
  • RISM ID: 990015900
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4136; DD 4136
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

GIORNOVICHI’S | Celebrated Concerto | Arranged for the | PIANO FORTE OR HARP | With an Accompaniment | for the | VIOLIN and VIOLONCELLO | ad Libitum | BY | J. Dussek. | Price with Accompaniments 5/ without Accom.|t 4/ | EDINBURGH Printed and Sold by N. CORRI at his Music and Musical Instrument Warehouse | Front of his Concert Rooms Head of Leith Walk. | J. Johnson Sculp.|t

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 53
  • RISM ID: 1001212830
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.5
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Six Airs Choisis | Variés | Pour le Forte Piano, | PAR | J. L. Dussek. | Nouvelle Edition. | [at left:] Opéra 6. [at right:] Prix 7.|f 50.|c | à Paris | [at left:] Propriété de l’Editeur. [at right:] Déposé à la Direction. | Chez Aug.|te LE DUC, Editeur et M.|d de Musique, Rue de Richelieu, N.|o 78.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 44-49
  • RISM ID:1001212832
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Chanson de la Comtesse | de | Southerland | arrangé en | Rondeau pour le Pianoforte | par | J. L. DUSSEK. | Copenhague chez C: C: Lose.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 44-49
  • RISM ID:1001212836
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Douzième | CONCERTO | Pour le Piano Forte | avec Accompagnement de Grand Orchestre ad libitum | COMPOSÉ ET DÉDIÉ | à Madame de Vaudemont | PAR | J. L. DUSSEK. | [left:] Opera 70 [right:] Prix 12.|t|t | A PARIS | Chez M.|l|l|e|s Erard, Rue du Mail, N.|o 21. | A la Haye chez F. J. Weygand. | [left:] Propriété des Editeurs. [right:] Déposée à la Biblioth.|e Imp.|le | Et en Holland à la Biblioth.|e Royale | 750

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 238
  • RISM ID: 990015781
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4071
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.8
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

TROIS SONATES | pour le Pianoforte [avec accompagnement de violon] | composées et dédiées | A Mademoiselle Brodelet | par | J. L. Dussek. | [at left:] Œuvre 8. [at center:] à Leipsic [at right:] Pr. 2 Rthlr. | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 54-56
  • RISM ID:990015862
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4155; DD 4155
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

DEUX SONATES | Pour le pianoforte | avec Accomp.|t de Violon et Basse | par | J. L. DUSSEK. | [at left:] Oeuv. 34. [at center:] à Leipsic [at right:] Pr. 1 Rthlr. 12 Gr. | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 147-148
  • RISM ID:991017729
  • RISM N.: A/I DD 4122a
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Grand | Concerto | Pour le Pianoforte | avec accompagnement | de grand Orchestre | composé | par | J. L. DUSSEK. | [at left:] Œuv. 66. [at right:] Pr. 2 Rthlr. | à Leipsic | chez Breitkopf & Härtel.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 97, 104
  • RISM ID: 990015779
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4069; DD 4069
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.6
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Grand | Concerto | Pour le Pianoforte | avec accompagnement | de grand Orchestre | composé | par | J. L. DUSSEK. | [at left:] Oeuv. 66. [at right:] Pr. 2 Rthlr. | à Leipsic | chez Breitkopf & Härtel.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 33
  • RISM ID: 1001213505
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.7
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Rondo Militaire | Pour le Piano Forte | Composé par | J. L. Dussek

  • Craw Catalogue N.: 153
  • RISM ID: 991017786
  • RISM N.: A/I DD 4417b
  • Shelfmark:
Piano MusicPrintpiano-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | pour | Le Clavecin ou Piano-Forte | avec Accompagnement | d’un VIOLON non Obligé. | par | J. L. Dussek. | Op. 18. | Prix 7.|# 4.|s | A PARIS | Chez Le Duc (Pierre) | […] | Ecrit par Ribiere

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 79-81
  • RISM ID: 1001213507
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Giornovichi’s, | TWO FAVORITE CONCERTOS, | arranged as Sonatas for the | PIANO FORTE, | with an Accompaniment for a Violin, | by | J. L. DUSSEK. | [at right margin:] Price 7.|s 6.|d | Dedicated to | Miss Louisa Boscawen de Visme, | & Miss Harriet de Visme. | LONDON, | PRINTED BY CORRI, DUSSEK, & C.|o Music Sellers to their Majesties, their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, & Duchess of York, at their Warehouses N.o 67. &. 68. Dean Street Soho, N.o 28. Haymarket & Bridge Street Edinburgh Entered at Stationers Hall

  • Craw Catalogue N.:
  • RISM ID: 990021544
  • RISM N.: A/I G 2400
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | Pour Clavecin Ou Forte Piano | Avec Violon Adlibitum | Dediées À Mademoiselle | J. JANSEN. | Par | M. DUSSEK. | [at left:] op. [with ink:] 13 [at right:] Prix [with ink:] 7 | [Le Duc (Pierre)]

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 67-69
  • RISM ID: 1001213509
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

TROIS SONATES | POUR LE PIANO FORTE | AVEC ACCOMPAGNEMENT | D’UN VIOLON, | COMPOSEÈS ET DEDIÈS | A | M|L|L|E. BATHOE, | PAR | J. L. DUSSEK. | OP. XVIII. | London, Published and Sold by Preston & Son at their Wholesale Warehouses No.97, Strand [at right:| T. Hardy Fecit. | Price 7.|s 6.|d

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 79-81
  • RISM ID: 990015913
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4207
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

DUSSEK’s | Third | GRAND CONCERTO in C. | Composed for the | Piano-forte, | with or without additional keys as performen at | Salomon’s & the Opera Concerts | with | Accompaniments for two Violins, Tenor, | two Flutes, zwo Horns and Bass. | Dedicated to | M.|R|S F. G. SMYTH | [left:] Op. 29 [right:] Price 7.6 | without Accomp. 6.|s| By the Author. | Ent.|d at Stationers Hall | London, Printed & Sold by Longman & Broderip, N.|o 26 Cheapside & N.|o 13 Haymarket.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 125
  • RISM ID: 990015757
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4047; DD 4047
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.9
Orchestral MusicPrintorchestral-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois | SONATES | POUR CLAVECIN ou FORTE-PIANO | avec VIOLON | Composées et Dediées | A Mademoiselle Bathoe | PAR | J. L. DUSSEK. | œuvre 19|e | Prix 9.|t|t | A PARIS | Chez Naderman, Rue de Richelieu, à la Clef d’Or, | Passage de l’ancien Caffé de foy. | A LYON | Chez GARNIER, Place de la Comédie.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 79-81
  • RISM ID: 990015918
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4212
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Trois sonates pour le piano forte, avec accompagnement de flûte ou violon composées par J. L. Dussek. Oeuvre 51. A Paris, chez M.lles Erard, rue du Mail, N.|o 37 et à leur dépot, rue de la Loi, N.|o 297, vis-à-vis la Bibliothèque Imp.le. A Lyon, chez Garnier, Place de la Comédie N.|o 18

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 23-25
  • RISM ID: 990015976
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4270
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

The Favorite | HORNPIPE, | Danced by Madame Del Caro, | At the King’s Theatre, Haymarket, in the Cantata of | LA VITTORIA, | In commemoration of Lord Howe’s Victory on the 1st of June 1794, | Arranged as a RONDO for the Piano-Forte, | & For the Violin & Flute. | By J. L. Dussek | Printed for Corri, Dussek & C.|o Music Sellers to their Majesty | N.° Dean Street, Soho London & Bridge Street, Edinburgh, | Where all the Works of the above Author & every Article of Music may be had

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 131
  • RISM ID:
  • RISM N.:
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber MusicPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav
LD Lett. 4 Mar. 001-007
  • LD Lett. 1 Mar. 1

Florence, October 12, 1948
Typed signed Letter to “Cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 22,5 cm width x 28,4 cm height. Watermark “EXTRA FORTE”.

  • LD Lett. 2 Mar. 2

(Florence) October 20, 1948
Typed signed Letter to “Très cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”.

  • LD Lett. 3 Mar. 3

Florence, December 29, 1948
Typed signed Letter to “Très cher ami,”, 2 pp. on a paper measuring 22,5 cm width x 28,4 cm height.

  • LD Lett. 4 Mar. 4

Florence, January 23, 1949
Autograph Letter to “Mon cher ami Martelli,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 22,3 cm width x 28,4 cm height.

  • LD Lett. 5 Mar. 5

(Florence) January 24, 1949
Typed signed Letter to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”.

  • LD Lett. 6 Mar. 6

(Florence) February 10, 1949
Typed signed Letter to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 14,3 cm width x 22,8 cm height. The letter is headed “Società Internazionale Musica Contemporanea (S.I.M.C.)”. Watermark “EXTRA TENAX”.

LD Lett. 7
Florence, June 7, 1950. To “Cher Monsieur”. A card measuring 6” width x 4” height 2 pp.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 008

LD Lett. 8

Letter to Giancarlo Camerana
Florence, June 20, 1954; 1 Paper A4 Typed and signed letter to “Gentilissimo Dott. Camerana”.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 009

LD Lett. 9

Letter to Otto de Greiff
January 8, 1955, Letter to “Pregiatissimo Signore”. 1 Paper letter measuring 14,6 cm. width x 22,8 cm. height. Watermark ‘ROMA TENAX / C. M. FABRIANO’

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 010

LD Lett. 10

Letter to Argo Records, 17 january 1953

January 14, 1955, Letter to “The Argo Record Company Limited”. 1 Paper letter measuring 14,8 cm. width x 21 cm. height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 011

LD Lett. 11

Florence, 22 May 1953 – 34, via Romana, Tél. 293.163

Letter to “Cher ami Gradenwitz”. 1 tissue paper letter measuring 17 cm. width x 25 cm. height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’’

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 012

LD Lett. 12

Letter to ‘Illustrissimo Signore’, 14 January 1955

January 14, 1955, Letter to “Herrn Dr. Ludwig Wismeyer”. 1 Paper letter measuring 13,5 cm. width x 23 cm. height

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 014

LD Lett. 14

Letter to Dallapiccola, Hambourg 27 April 1959

Hamburg, April 27, 1959. Letter from Rolf Libermann (“Monsieur Luigi Dallapiccola). 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 015

LD Lett. 15

Letter to Rolf Liebermann,

May 3, 1959, Letter to “Maestro Rolf Liebermann”. 1 Paper A4 letter. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG / C. M. FABRIANO”

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 016

LD Lett. 16

Letter to Liebermann,

1 July 1962, Letter to “Cher M. Liebermann; cher Ami:”. 1 Sheet letter measuring 21,2 cm width x 275 cm height. Watermark ‘Pineider Firenze Roma’

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 017

LD Lett. 17

Letter to Dallapiccola

Hamburg, August 22, 1962. Letter to “Maestro Luigi Dallapiccola. 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 018

LD Lett. 18

Letter to Liebermann,

April 27, 1963, Letter to “M. Liebermann; cher Ami:”. 1 Paper A4 letter. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG”

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 019 Ant.1-022 Ant. 4

LD Lett. 019 Ant.1-022 Ant. 4

Grouping of 1 Typed and 3 Autograph Letters Signed from the Italian Composer to Professor Irma Antonetto of the Associazione Culturale Italiana regarding a speaking arrangement, dated April 1963 through January 1964

LD Lett. 19 Ant. 1

Florence, May 1, 1963

Typed signed Letter to “Cara Signorina Antonetto:”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘EXTRA STRONG”

LD Lett. 20 Ant. 2

(Florence) April 27, 1963

Autograph signed Letter to “Cara Signorina,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 15,8 cm width x 22,6 cm height.

LD Lett. 21 Ant. 3

Florence, December 17, 1963

Autograph signed Letter to “Cara Signorina,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘SAPIENS”

LD Lett. 22 Ant. 4

Florence, January 16, 1964

Autograph signed Letter to “Gentile Signorina,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. Watermark ‘SAPIENS

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 023

LD Lett. 23

Letter Card, 5 July 1966

A Card to ‘Cher Monsieur Birker’. A card measuring 15,6 cm width x 10,3 cm height, with its envelope and stamp to ‘Herrn Heinz Birker’.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 024
LD Lett. 24

Letter to Kwiatkowski, 15 March 1972

Florence, March 15, 1972. Letter to “Verehreter Herr Kwiatkowski,”. 1 sheet letter measuring 21,4 cm width x 27,8 cm height. Watermark ‘Sapiens’.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 025
LD Lett. 25

Letter to Herr Uhrig

Florence, March 15, 1972. Letter to “Herr Uhrig”. 1 sheet letter measuring 21,4 cm width x 27,8 cm height. Watermark ‘Sapiens’.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 026
LD Lett. 26

Letter to Gradenwitz,

Florence, March 6, 1974. Letter to “Cher ami,”. 1 Tissue Paper A4 letter.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 027 Mih. 1-Mih. 4
LD Lett. 27 Mih. 1-Mih. 4

Collection of 4 Autograph Letters to Marcel Mihalovici

LD Lett. 27 Mih. 1

Florence, April 28, 1950

Autograph signed card to “Très cher ami,”; card measuring 15,6 cm width x 10,4 cm height.

Together with its envelope measuring 16,5 cm width x 10,4 cm height and addressed to”M. Marcel Mihalovici / 15, rue du Dragon / Paris, VI / Francia”

LD Lett. 28 Mih. 2

(Hamburg), January 20

Autograph signed letter to “Très cher ami,”; letter headed “Hotel Alster-hof Hamburg / in der esplanade 12 / Telefon: Ferngespräche 34 44 05 – Stadtgespräche 34 17 81-86” and measuring 15 cm width x 21 cm height.

Together with its envelope measuring 16,3 cm width x 11 cm height and addressed to “M. Marcel Mihalovici”

LD Lett. 29 Mih. 3

(Florence) September 10, 1969

Autograph signed Letter to “Mon très cher ami Marcel,”, 1pp. on A4 paper. With its envelope measuring 15,6 cm width x 12,6 cm height, addressed to “Maestro / Marcel Mihalovici / Albergo Senato / Piazza della Rotonda / Roma”

LD Lett. 30 Mih. 4

Florence, April 26, 1969

Autograph signed Card to “Mon cher ami,”, 1pp. on a card measuring 16,8 cm width x 11 cm height. With its enveloper measuring 17,5 cm width x 11,8 cm height addressed to “ M. Marcel Mihalovici / 15, Rue du Dragon / Paris, VI.e / Francia”

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 31 Grad

LD Lett. 31 Grad

Florence, February 10, 1951

Signed letter to Peter Gradenwitz, tissue paper measuring 17,8 cm width x 28,6 cm height

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 32

LD Lett. 32

Florence, 18 May 1964

Autograph signed letter from Luigi Dallapiccola to Rolf Liebermann, 1 p. in red ink on a paper measuring 22 x 28,5 cm. On the letter there is an autograph musical quotation from Dallapiccola, who has neatly penned 4 measures from the “iii Scena” of his Il prigioniero. The quotation in blue ink, the signature and identification in black ink. 22,5 x 9,5 cm.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 33

LD Lett. 33

Hamburg, May 2, 1964

Reply letter to LD Lett. 32 from Rolf Liebermann to Luigi Dallapiccola, tissue paper measuring 21 cm width x 29,5 cm height

Letter as a signed carbon copy, in French, in which Liebermann reports having consulted with the director of the orchestra regarding the changes suggested by Dallapiccola and proposes a variant for the German text that better fits the ‘prosodie’ i. e. speech melody.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. 34

LD Lett. 34

Forte dei Marmi (Lucca), September 2, 1960

Typewritten letter to Rolf Liebermann, measuring 22 cm width x 28 cm height

Friendly letter to the director of the Hamburg State Opera in which Dallapiccola thanks him for his interest and explains that his opera ‘Ulisse’ is in progress.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. Lau 1

LD Lett. Lau 1

1 Typed letter from Laura Dallapiccola to Marcel Mihalovici

Florence, April 12, 1968

Typed signed Letter to “Cher M. Mihalovici,”, 2 pp. on a paper measuring 15,6 cm width x 21,8 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Lett. Lau 2

LD Lett. Lau 2

Letter by Martelli to Laura Dallapiccola

Paris, February 20, 1975; Autograph signed Letter to “Chere Madame,”, 1pp. on a paper measuring 17,8 cm width x 21 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 1

LD Mem. 1

Postal Card to “Madame Henri Martelli” from Luigi Dallapiccola, Gian Francesco Malipiero, Elsa Collaer, Roberto Gerhard, Henri Martelli, Paul Collin. Card measurign 15 cm. Width x 10,4 cm. height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 2

LD Mem. 2

Florence, December 31, 1973. Greetings Card to “Ihnen, und der Staatskapelle Dresden” measuring 17 cm width x 11 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 3

LD Mem. 3

January 04, 1975. Greetings Card to “Tous mes vœux” measuring 17 cm width x 11 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 4

LD Mem. 4

February 24, 1974. Greetings Card to “À Monsieur Bent Lylloff” [Danish composer and percussionist], with music quotation from “Il Prigioniero”, measuring 13,7 cm width x 9,4 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 5

LD Mem. 5

Signed Libretto “Ulisse”. Milano, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, 1968. Inscription on the titlepage to the conductor Vittorio Gui (1885-1975): “Al carissimo Vittorio Gui, con antica ammirazione, con antica amicizia. Maggio 1975, Luigi Dallapiccola”. 48 pp.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 6

LD Mem. 6

New York, March 24, 1957. Greetings Card measuring 13,6 cm width x 8,6 cm height.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 7

LD Mem. 7

Photo and inscription in black ink measuring 16,4 cm width x 23,5 cm height, mounted for fine white display.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 8

LD Mem. 8

Signed album page (with typed letters) 21,2 cm width x 30,8 cm height, mounted for fine display with a photograph, shows Dallapiccola as pianist, signed in blank ink.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 9

LD Mem. 9

February 1972; signed vintage semi glossy photograph of Dallapiccola’s portrait 12 cm width x 18 cm height, signed and inscribed in blue fountain pen to “Herrn Prof. Peter Mück”.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 10

LD Mem. 10

Concert Programme, 28 October 1955, Conductor Hermann Scherchen

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Mem. 11

LD Mem. 11

First Edition of Luigi Dallapiccola’s Canti di Liberazione, voice and piano score by Pietro Scarpini. Autograph signed from Luigi Dallapiccola to Eigel Kruttge: «Al Dott. Eigel Kruttge, Con animo profondamente / grato e con la convinzione di aver trovato un / amico. / Luigi Dallapiccola /Köln, il 28 ottobre 1955.».

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Aut. 1

LD Aut. 1

An autograph musical quotation by Dallapiccola, who has neatly penned in black 9 detailed measures in 4 voices, «Canon cancrizans» from his Sex carmina Alcaei, iii ‘Canones Diversi’, signed and dated 2 July 1943. 37 × 12,5 cm

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Aut. 5

LD Aut. 5

Ulisse. Autograph musical manuscript sketch in full score for «Il Regno dei Cimmeri» from the first act (scene iv) of Ulisse. 1963. Folio. Three large sheets taped together to make one continuous sheet, each approximately 33 × 31,2 cm, written on one side only. Notated in pencil with annotations in coloured crayon and additional pencilling. In the first folio there is a date in Dallapiccola’s hand, 2-4 March 1963, and with a later autograph inscription in the last folio to the American harpsichordist Howard Schott dated Milan, 15 June 1964: «Al caro amico ritrovato / Howard M Schott! / Con affetto. / LD. / Milano (!) / 15/6/1964». 

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Aut. 2

LD Aut. 2

Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketchleaf for chorus and orchestra. In condensed score. Dedicated to the musicologist and collector Otto de Greiff and dated 8 January 1955: «Al signor Otto de Greiff, / questo studio per i / “Canti di liberazione”, / Firenze, / 8 / 1 / 1955 Luigi Dallapiccola». In Folio (30,5 × 24,8 cm). One page. Notated in ink on 24-stave paper, with alterations and corrections in ink and pencil. With an earlier date in Dallapiccola’s hand to upper margin: 8 Nov. 1954. Together with LD Lett. 9.

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Aut. 4

LD Aut. 4

Ulisse. Autograph musical sketch leaf signed in full and inscribed. A study for «Il Regno dei Cimmeri» from the first act (scene iv) of Ulisse. Short score, with one singing and one speaking chorus. 2 pp. on one leaf. Oblong folio (ca. 25 × 35,6 cm). Dated: Summer 1962. Notated in pencil and black ink on paper with 18-stave printed music paper. Unpaginated. With original autograph envelope addressed to Hans Roest: «À Monsieur Hans Roest, / cette étude pour mon opéra / in progress (“Odysseus”), / très cordialement, / Luigi Dallapiccola / été 1962»

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
LD Aut. 3

LD Aut. 3

Canti di liberazione. Autograph musical sketch leaf signed in full and inscribed. «Al Dott. Eigel Kreuttge, / con animo grato, questo / abbozzo offre il / Suo / Luigi Dallapiccola / Firenze, 1° novembre 1955». Short score, with six singing voices. 2 pp. on one leaf. (ca. 27,2 × 34,8 cm). Notated in pencil and black ink on paper with 24-stave printed music paper. 

Dallapiccola, Luigidallapiccola-luigi
053Arch. MS. 001

Three original sonatas in which are introduced the favorite airs of “Whither my love” with an accompaniment for a violin & bass either obligato or ad libitum by Ignace Pleyel. Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co. … London, & Bridge Street, Edinburgh

  • RISM N.: 990051199
  • RISM ID: A/I P 3779
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 001
Pleyel, Ignacepleyel-ignace
054Arch. MS. 002

Six | Duos concertants | pour | Deux Violons | Composés par | I. B. VIOTI. | Oeuvre V. Liv. I | Chez B. Schott à Maience. | [left:] N|o 235. | 237. [center:] 5. F.|r. 20. C.|t. [right:] P.|r 2 fl. 24.|xr

Viotti, Giovanni Battistaviotti-giovanni-battista
055Arch. MS. 003

SIX Nouveaux QUINTETTI Pour deux Violons, Alto et deux Violoncelles, Composés Par L. BOCCHERINI. N.A Le Violoncelle peut être remplacé par l’Alto-Violoncelle. Op. 48. [by hand: 1] Livraison. Ecrit par Malbestel, Rue du Roule, N.o 8. A PARIS, Chez J. Pleyel, Auteur et Editeur de Musique, et Fabricant de Piano-Fortel, Boulevard Bonne-nouvelle, N.o 8. Propriété de l’Editeur. Déposée à la D.on G.ale de la Librairie. Prix:

  • RISM N.: 990005926
  • RISM ID: A/I B 3184; BB 3184
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 003
Boccherini, Luigiboccherini-luigi
056Arch. MS. 004

Quatuor | Pour le Piano-Forté, | Violon, Viole et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | Á MONSIEUR RODE | par | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse. | Leipsic, chez Breitkopf & Härtel. | Oeuv. 6. Pr. 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.

  • RISM N.: 991030072
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,20
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 004
Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonlouis-ferdinand-von-preusen
057Arch. MS. 005

Quatuor | Pour le Piano-Forte | Violon, Alto et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | à son Altesse Royale | Madame la Princesse Ferdinande de Prusse | par son fils | Louis Prince de Prusse. | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Oeuv. 5 – Pr. 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.

  • RISM N.: 991030070
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,18
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 005
Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonlouis-ferdinand-von-preusen
058Arch. MS. 006

TRIO | Pour le Piano-Forte | avec Violon et Violoncelle. | composé et dédié | à Son Altesse Serenissime | Madame la Duchesse de Courlande | par | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse | à Leipsic chez Breitkopf & Härtel | Oeuv. 3 – Pr: 2 Rthlr: | 383.

  • RISM N.: 991030062
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,10
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 006
Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonlouis-ferdinand-von-preusen
059Arch. MS. 007

TRIO | Pour le Piano-Forte | avec Violon et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | au Prince Antoine Radziwill | par | Louis Ferdinand | PRINCE DE PRUSSE | chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Oev. 2 – Pr: 2 Rthlr: | 382.

  • RISM N.: 991030060
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,8
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 007
Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonlouis-ferdinand-von-preusen
060Arch. MS. 008

QUINTETTO | Pour le Piano-Forte, | avec accompagnement | de deux Violons, Viole et Violoncelle | composee et dédié | À MONSIEUR HIMMEL | Maintre de Chapelle de Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse. | PAR | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse | chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Pr: 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.

  • RISM N.: 991030055
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,3
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 008
Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonlouis-ferdinand-von-preusen
061Arch. MS. 009

Clementi’s selection of practical harmony, for the organ or piano forte; containing voluntaries, fugues, canons, & other ingenious pieces by the most eminent composers, to which is prefixed an epitome of counterpoint by the editor, vol. 1(-4) [London, Clementi, Banger, Collard, Davis & Collard]

  • RISM N.: 990010560
  • RISM ID: A/I C 3143; CC 3143
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 009
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
62Arch. MS. 010

AMANTI CHE NEL CORE | The Favorite Pollacca as Sung by | SIGNORA BANTI, | At the King’s Theatre, Haymarket. | In the Opera of | LA SERVA PADRONA, | Composed by | SIGNOR VIOTTI | Arranged with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte by D. Corri. | [right: ] Pr. 3.|s | [left:] Ent.|d at Stationiers Hall [right:] Instrumental parts to be had separate Pr.|s1. | Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co., Music Sellers to her Majesty, N.|o 67, Dean Street Soho, & Bridge Street, Edinburgh. | NB. This Air is Arranged with English Words Price 1.|s & Likewise for the Piano Forte by J. L. Dussek Pr. 1|s/6

  • RISM N.: 990066698
  • RISM ID: A/I V 1704; VV 1704
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 010
Viotti, Giovanni Battistaviotti-giovanni-battista
063Arch. MS. 011

Sinfonia per due violini é Violoncello | di Luigi Boccherini di Luca | Opera 4. Sinfonia 3. [incipit]

Boccherini, Luigiboccherini-luigi
064Arch. MS. 012

Sinfonia per due Violini é Violoncello | di Luigi Boccherini di Luca | Opera 4. Sinfonia 2. |

Boccherini, Luigiboccherini-luigi
065Arch. MS. 013

Twelve waltzes for the piano-forte, with an accompaniment for a tamburino & triangle … op. 38 [London, Muzio Clementi & Co.]

  • RISM N.: 990010466
  • RISM ID: A/I C 3049
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 013
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
066Arch. MS. 014

Due Canzonette | ridotte | Per Clavicembalo o Piano-Forte | del Sig.r | MUZIO CLEMENTI | In Vienna e Magonza presso Artaria Comp.

Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
067Arch. MS. 015

VARIAZIONI | sul Tema |: Gott erhalte den Kaiser | di Haydn | per il | Clavicembalo, Violino e Violoncello / ad libitum / | dal Sig.|r | MUZIO CLEMENTI. | a Vienne presso Artaria e Comp. | [left:] 1540

  • RISM N.: 991016353
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 3131f
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 014
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
068Arch. MS. 016

Trois Sonatines | doigtées | pour le | PIANOFORTE | composées | PAR | MUZIO CLEMENTI | [left:] Oe. XXXVIII. [center:] Mit Applicatur. [right:] Pr. 16 gr. | Leipzig, chez C. F. Peters. | Bureau de Musique

Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
069Arch. MS. 017

TROIS | Sonates | POUR | Clavecin Ou Forté-Piano | Avec Flûte ou Violon et Violoncelle Adlibitum | Composées et dédiés | A M. Newbery | PAR | MUZIO CLEMENTI | [left:] op. XXXII [right:] Prix: […] | A PARIS | Chez SIEBER père, Éditeur et M.|d de Musique, rue Coquiellere N. |o 22, près celle J. J. Rousseau, (ci-devant rue S.|t Honoré hôtel d Aligre.) | 1354

  • RISM N.: 991016314
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 2989a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 017
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
070Arch. MS. 018

AIR SAXON | Avec huit Variations | INTRODUCTION ET FINALE | Pour | Le Forté-Piano | Dédié | Miss Mercer Elphinstone | Par | J. B. CRAMER | Prix 4.|r 50.|c | Propriété de l’Editeur | Déposée au Bureau […] | à Paris, | Chez Aug.|t|e LE DUC, Editeur et M.|d de Musique, Rue de Richelieu N.|o 78 pres celle Feydeau | 961

Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
071Arch. MS. 019

Two | Sonatas | for the | PIANO FORTE | With Accompaniment for | Violin & Violoncello, | ad libitum | Composed by | D. STEIBELT | [left:] Op. 61 [center:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 7,,6, | London, | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26 Cheapside.

Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
072Arch. MS. 020

HAYDN’S | Favorite Quartett, | adapted as a | DUET, | for the | Piano Forte | BY | M.|r Sam.|l Webbe Jun.|r | [right:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 5.|s | LONDON. | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, | 26 Cheapside.

Webbe, Samuelwebbe-samuel
073Arch. MS. 021

TWO | DUETTS | for | TWO Harps | or | Two | Piano Fortes | Composed by | J. B. Krumpholtz | [left:] Opera 5. [right:] Price 7.|s 6.|d | LONDON, | Printed & Sold by R.|t Birchall, at his Musical Circulating Library 133 New Bond Street | Where may be had […]

  • RISM N.: 990035615
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 2847; KK 2847
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 021
Krumpholtz, Jean-Baptistekrumpholtz-jean-baptiste
074Arch. MS. 022

Sweet Maid, | A favorite Song, | SUNG BY M.|R|S BLAND. | (with an Accompaniment for the HARP.) | at the late Theatre Royal Drury Lane, in the Opera of the | Circassian Bride | COMPOSED BY H. R. BISHOP | [left:] Ent. at Sta. Hall. [right:] Price 1/6 | London, Printed for the Author, by L.Lavenu, 26, New Bond Street.

Bishop, Henry Rowleybishop-henry-rowley
075Arch. MS. 023

The Timid Tear | Written by Tho.|s Moore Esqr. | The Music Composed & dedicated to His Friend | SIR JOHN STEVENSON, | BY | The Hon.|b|l|e Augustus Barry. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. [center:] LONDON, [right:] Price 1,6 | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26, Cheapside, | NB The above Song is Harmonized by M.|r Webbe

Barry, Augustusbarry-augustus
076Arch. MS. 024

My Love is far away. | A CANZONET | with an Accompaniment for the | PIANO FORTE,| Composed by | Sir J. A. Stevenson. | [left:] Ent.|d at Stat hall. [center:] LONDON [right:] Price 1/6 | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26 Cheapside;| & Sold at all the Music Shops in England and Ireland

  • RISM N.: 991003639
  • RISM ID.: A/I SS 6233a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 024
Stevenson, John Andrewstevenson-john-andrew
077Arch. MS. 025

When I found that my Delia was gone. A canzonet with an accompaniment for the piano forte. [London, Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis]

  • RISM N.: 990062614
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 6328
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 025
Stevenson, John Andrewstevenson-john-andrew
078Arch. MS. 026
ERIN GO BRAGH. | Set for the | VOICE and PIANO-FORTE, | Written by Thomas Campbell. | Author of the Pleasures of Hope &. | [left:] Entered in Stationers Hall [right:] Price 1/= | EDINBURGH, Printed and Sold by J. HAMILTON, N.|o 24, North Bridge Street.
Campbell, Thomascampbell-thomas
079Arch. MS. 027
THE BOATIE ROWS | A Favorite Old Scots Song| Set for the | Voice, Piano Forte, | Violin or Flute | &. | [left:] Entered in Stationers hall [right:] Price 6/|d. | EDINGBURGH Printed and Sold by MUIR WOOD & Co. N.|o 7. Leith Street. [space] and at | M.|r F. Linley’s N.|o 42. Penton Street Penton Ville London. where may also be had, Up an’ War them | a’ Willie, with Var.|s 1 /, Lady Madelena Sinclair, with D.|o 1/6. Instruments Lent out, Tuned etc.
080Arch. MS. 028
OF A’ THE AIRTS THE WIND’ CAN BLAW | A favorite Old Scots Tune | the Words by | Rob.|t Burns | Set for the | VOICE, PIANO FORTE, VIOLIN, & GER: FLUTE | [left:] Entered in Stationers hall. [right:] Price 6.|d | Edinburgh Printed & Sold by MUIR WOOD & Co. Music Sellers N.|o 7 Leith Street.
081Arch. MS. 029
LOGAN WATER. | Written by John Mayne Esq.r | the Symphonies and Accompaniments. | COMPOSED BY M.|R ROSS. | [at bottom:] Sold by J HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge […]
Ross, Johnross-john
082Arch. MS. 030
SCOTS WHA HAE WI’ WALLACE BLED. | Written by Robert Burns. | EDINBURGH, Printed and Sold by JOHN HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge | [right:] Price /6
083Arch. MS. 031
O LET ME IN THIS AE NIGHT. | Written by Rob.|t Burns. | EDIN.|r, Printed and Sold by JOHN HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge | [right:] Price 6.|d
084Arch. MS. 032
AULD LANGSYNE. | An Old Scots Song. | [right:] Price 6.|d | EDINBURGH, Printed & Sold by J. HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge Street.
085Arch. MS. 033
If in that Angel breast. | A Song | with an Accompaniment | for the Piano Forte, | Composed by | J. B. CRAMER. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. [right:] Price 1/6 | London, Printed by Clementi & Comp., 26 Cheapside.
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
086Arch. MS. 034
Whither, my Love, ah! whither art thou gone? | Sung by Signora Storace in the | HAUNTED TOWER | The Music by Sig|r Paisiello | Entered at Stationer’s Hall. [right:] Price 1.|s | London Printed by Longman, Clementi & C.|o, 26 Cheapside
  • RISM N.: 1001252966
  • RISM ID.: A/I P 564; PP 564
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 034
Paisiello, Giovannipaisiello-giovanniu
087Arch. MS. 035
The Wife’s Farewell or | NO MY LOVE NO. | The Favorite Ballad as | Sung by Miss De Camp | In the much admired Farce of | AGE TO-MORROW | Written by M. G. Lewis Esq.|r | Composed by Michael Kelly. | [right:] Price 1.|s/ | LONDON. | Printed for M. Kelly at his Musical Saloon 9 Pall Mall.
  • RISM N.: 990033176
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 339; KK 339
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 035
Kelly, Michaelkelly-michael
088Arch. MS. 036
London Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU Musik Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29 New Bond Street. | THE TRAVELLER, | A Favorite Ballad, | As Sung by M.|r Harrison, at the Vocal Concerts | Composed by | S. WEBBE. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. hall [right:] Pr. 1.|s
Webbe, Samuelwebbe-samuel
089Arch. MS. 037
London. Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU, Music Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29, New Bond Street. | Crazy Jane, | A Favorite Song, | The Words by M. LEWIS. Esq.|r | And Set to Music, with an Accompaniment for the | Harp or Piano Forte. | By Miss Abrams. | [at left] Ent. at Stationers Hall [at right] Pr. 1.|s 6
  • RISM N.: 990000194
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 037
Abrams, Harriettabrams-harriett
090Arch. MS. 038
The Grand March | in the Romance of | BLUE BEARD | FOR THE PIANO FORTE | with an Accompaniment for TAMBOURINE & GUITAR | Composed by | MICHAEL KELLY | Enter’d at Stationers Hall | Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co. Music Sellers to the Royal Family N.|o 28 HayMarket, London | North Bridge S.|t South S.|t Andrew S.|t Edinburgh
  • RISM N.: 990033152
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 315; KK 315
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 38
Kelly, Michaelkelly-michael
091Arch. MS. 039
London, Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU, Music Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29 New Bond Sreet. | PRELUDES | for the | Piano-Forte, | in Various Keys. | Adapted to the different capacities of Learners. | COMPOSED | and respectfully inscribed to | Miss Ellin Devis | by | WILLIAM DANCE, | Musician in Ordinary to his Majesty. | Ent.|d at Stationers Hall | [left:] Published October, 1800 [right:] Price 6 Shilings | NB. As above may be had by the same Author. | […]
  • RISM N.: 990012780
  • RISM ID.: A/I D 884; DD 884
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 39
Dance, Williamdance-william
092Arch. MS. 040
Ouverture | L’AMANTE STATUE | ARRANGÉE | Pour le Clavecin | avec Accomganement | de Violon ad Libitum | PAR | A. H. WENCK | Prix 2.|t|t 8.|s | A PARIS | [Boyer] | Ecrit par Ribière
Dalayrac, Nicolas-Mariedalayrac-nicolas-marie
093Arch. MS. 041
In quell età ch’io misurar solea | SONETTO DEL ZAPPI, | Posto in Musica con Accompagnamento di | FORTE PIANO, | DA | Bonifacio Asioli. | [right:] Price 2.|S | London, Printed & Sold by Mess.|r|s Birchall & C|o 133 New Bond Street
Asioli, Bonifacioasioli-bonifacio
094Arch. MS. 042
TWELVE DUETTOS | With an Accompanyment for the | PIANO-FORTE | Composed and Dedicated to | HER EXCELLENCY THE MARCHIONESS GHERARDINI | LITTA | By Signor Bonifacio Asioli | CORREGGIANO. | [left:] Entered at Stationers Hall. [right:] Price 10.|S 6.|d | London, Printed by R.|t Birchall, N.|o 133 New Bond Street.| where may be had by the same Author. | La Partenza by Metastasio Op. 2 and Six Notturni & Two Eco’s. | with an Accompaniment for the Harp Op. 3 Pr. each 10|s 6
Asioli, Bonifacioasioli-bonifacio
095Arch. MS. 043
CLEMENTI & COMP|Y|S | Collection of | Rondos Airs | WITH | VARIATIONS | AND | Military Pieces | FOR THE | Piano Forte | By the most Esteemed | COMPOSERS. | London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Davis & Collard, Cheapside. | No. 35
A FAVOURITE IRISH MELODY | FLY NOT YET. | [at left:] Adapted as a Rondo [at right:] By J. B. Cramer.
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
096Arch. MS. 044
Beviamo tutti tre | ADAPTED FOR THE | PIANO FORTE, | IN WHICH |is Introduced as a slow Movement, | The favorite GLEE of | We be Soldiers three. | BY | J. B. CRAMER. | [right:] 3|s/ | London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard, & Davis, 26, Cheapside.
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
097Arch. MS. 045
A | Venetian Air, | And | This cold flinty Heart, | Arranged as a | Rondo | for the | PIANO FORTE, | By | J. B. Cramer. | [right:] Pr 2/6 | London, Printed by Clementi & C.|o | 26, Cheapside.
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
098Arch. MS. 046
And are ye sure the news is true, adapted as a rondo for the piano forte in which is introduced as an Andante the favorite air in ARIADNE | BY | J. B. CRAMER. | [London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard, & Davis]
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
099Arch. MS. 047
Grand | MILITARY RONDO | for the | Piano Forte, | Composed | By | J. B. CRAMER | OP. 34 | [left:] N.|o 1 [right:] Pr. 2|s | London, Printed by Clementi & C.|o, 26, Cheapside.
Cramer, Johann Baptistcramer-johann-baptist
101Arch. MS. 049
SCÉNE | Consisting of a | Solo and Pollacca | Performed & Sung by M.|R|S BILLINGTON, in the Opera of| Il Fantico per la Musica, | arranged for the | Piano Forte, | with an Accompaniment for the FLUTE ad libitum, | Composed & Dedicated to | Miss Mildmay | BY | G. G. FERRARI. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 3.|s | London, Printed & Sold by R.|t Birchall. N.|o 133 New Bond Street. | NB. This Scene may be had with the Voice part as sung by M.|r|s Billington, Price 4.|s
  • RISM N.: 991018174
  • RISM ID.: A/I FF 318a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 49
Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredoferrari-giacomo-gotifredo
102Arch. MS. 050
The celebrated | Gavotte de Vestris, | With Variations for the | Piano Forte | with an Accompaniment for the | FLUTE | ad libitum | Composed & Dedicated to Miss March Philipps | BY | T. LATOUR, | Pianiste to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 3/|s | London, Printed & Sold by Chappell & Co. Music & Musical Instrument Sellers. | 124, New Bond Street.
Latour, Jean Théodorelatour-jean-theodore
103Arch. MS. 051
L’Eventail, | Composed by the Celebrated | SOLAR [!] | Of Madrid | As Performed by | M.|M BARTOLOZZI. | [right:] Pr. 1/6 | London | Printed by G. Walker, Publisher of Books & | Music 105 & 106 G|t Portland St.
Soler, Antoniosoler-antonio
104Arch. MS. 052
Six | SONATES | pour | le Piano Forte, | dont quatre avec Violon Obligé, | et deux Flûte Obligée | Divisées en deux parties, | Dédiées | à Mademoiselle | Eugénie de Beaumarchais | par | D. Steibelt | [1] Partie Prix 15.|l|l | œuvre XI | A PARIS | chez Boyer | M|e|l|l|e Marie Scrip.
  • RISM N.: 1001257872
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 4932; SS 4932
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 52
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
105Arch. MS. 053
GRANDE SONATE | POUR LE PIANO FORTE | COMPOSEE ET DEDIEE | PAR D. STEIBELT | A MADAME | BONAPARTE | [left:] OEUVRE 59. [right:] PRIX 7.f 50.e | A PARIS, chez M.elles Erard, Rue du Mail. N.o 37. A LYON chez Garnier place de la Comédie | Propriété des Editeurs Enregistré à la Bibliotheque. | La Musique gravée par Richomme
  • RISM N.: 990061403
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 5093; SS 5093
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 53
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
106Arch. MS. 054
Air et thèmes variées [!] pour le Forte-Piano … 1|r|e suite. [Paris, Cochet]
  • RISM N.: 990061588
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 5280; SS 5280
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 54
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
107Arch. MS. 055
Le Berger | et son Troupeau | RONDEAU PASTORAL | Pour le Piano | Composé | par D. Steibelt | Prix 3.|t|t 12.|s | Propriété des Éditeurs. [space] Déposé à la Bibliothèque Impériale. | A Paris | [Duhan]
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
108Arch. MS. 056
FANTAISIE | Avec neuf Variations | sur la Valze Russe | Pour le Forte Piano | DEDIEE | à Madame de la Hante | PAR D. STEIBELT. | PRIX 6.|t|t | A PARIS | Chez SIEBERT M.d de Musique et d’Instruments, Rue de la Loi N.o 1245 | presque vis-à-vis la Fontaine traversière à la Flûte Enchantée | 404
  • RISM N.: 991003329
  • RISM ID.: A/I SS 5412a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 56
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
109Arch. MS. 057
[4.] POT POURRI | D’AIRS CONNUS | Arrangés | pour Clavecin | OÙ | PIANO-FORTE. | PAR | D: Steibelt. | Prix | A Paris Chez LE DUC, Editeur de Musique au Magasin d’Instrumens Rue Neuve des | Petits Champs N.|o 1286 vis à vis la Trésorerie. | [at bottom right:] 274
Steibelt, Danielsteibelt-daniel
110Arch. MS. 058
Les Regrets. | DUO | Pour Harpe et Piano | DÉDIÉ | aux Mânes de J. L. Dussek | et Composé | Par son Ami F. J. Naderman | [illustration] | OEuvre 30. 5.e Livre de Duo. Prix 10 fr. | A PARIS chez Naderman, Editeur de Musique et Facteur de Harpe, Rue de Richelieu, Passage de l’ancien Caffé de Foi | à la Clef d’Or. | […] sculp.
Naderman, François-Josephnaderman-francois-joseph
111Arch. MS. 059
Batti Batti | Schmäle, schmäle, lieber Junge! | de l’Opéra: | Don Giovanni da W. A. Mozart | avec une Introduction et Coda | arrangé | Pour le Piano-Forte | et dédié | à Madame Frigerio (de Milan) | par | MUZIO CLEMENTI | Membre de l’Académie Royale de Stockholm | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel a Leipsic |Pr. 10 Gr.
  • RISM N.: 990010565
  • RISM ID.: A/I C 3148; A/I M 4679; MM 4679
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 59
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
112Arch. MS. 060
TROIS SONATES | Pour Clavecin Ou Forte Piano | Avec Violon et Violoncelle | COMPOSES ET DEDIEES | A Miß Blake | M. CLEMENTI. | Œuvre XXVIII | Prix 9.|t|t| A. PARIS. | Chéz le S.|r Sieber Musicien rue S.|t honore entre celles des Vieilles Etuves | et celle D’orleans [crossed out: chéz L’Apothicaire], N|o 85
  • RISM N.: 991016311
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 2970b
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 60
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio

Second | CONCERTO | POUR | Clavecin ou Forte-Piano | deux Violons, Alto, Basse, Cors et Hautbois | ad Libitum | PAR M|R. Dussek. | OEUVRE 14|e. | Prix. 6. | A PARIS. | Chez Naderman, Rue du Roule, a la Clef d’or, N|o. 34. | Ecrit par Ribiere. | 52

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 77
  • RISM ID: 991017707
  • RISM N.: A/I DD 4007a
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.10
Dussek, Jan Ladislav, Orchestral MusicPrintdussek-jan-ladislav orchestral-music

Trois | SONATES | POUR LE | Forte Piano. | Avec Violon et Violoncelle. | Composées par | J. L. DUSSEK. | SECONDE ÉDITION | Corrigée par l’Auteur, avec changement de Traits et Notes d’agrément. | [left:] Op. 24 [right:] Prix 9.|f|r | A PARIS | [Sieber & fils] | [left:] Ppropriété de l’Editeur [right:] Déposée à la Bibliothèque Impériale | 1413

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 141-143
  • RISM ID: 990015816
  • RISM N.: A/I D 4107
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber Music, Dussek, Jan LadislavPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

[illustration] | Ma barque légère. | Air de la Rosière de Salency. | MUSIQUE DE | GRÉTRY, | arrangée en Rondeau pour le Piano | par | J. L. DUSSEK. | Extrait de l’œuvre posthume. | Prix 3.|f|r 75.|c | à Paris, chez Lemoine aîné, Succeseur de Cousineau, Luthier, Brévete de Monsieur, | Editeur, Marchand de Musique de S. A. R. Monsieur le Dauphin, | rue Dauphine N.|o 32.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 160-c
  • RISM ID: 1001257829
  • Shelfmark:
Dussek, Jan Ladislav, Piano MusicPrintdussek-jan-ladislav piano-music

Trois | SONATES | pour Clavecin ou Forte-Piano | avec Accompagnement de Violon | Composées | PAR M.|R DUSSEK. | ŒUVRE 9.|E | Prix 9.|t|t | à Paris | Chez Naderman, Rue de la Loi, à la Clef d’or, | Passage de l’ancien Caffé de foy. | Ecrit par Ribiere | 914

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 57-59
  • RISM ID: 990015865
  • RISM ID.: A/I D 4158; DD 4158
  • Shelfmark:
Chamber Music, Dussek, Jan LadislavPrintchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav

Dussek’s, | Grand Concerto, | As Performed at Mr. Salomon’s, and at the | Professional Concerts, &c. | Composed for the Piano Forte, with additional Key | and also adapted for any other | PIANO FORTE, OR HARPSICHORD, | with Accompaniments for | 2 Violins, 2 Flutes, 2 French Horns, Tenor & Bass | Dedicated to | MISS CORNELIA COLLINS, | By the | [at left:] Op. 22. [at center:] AUTHOR. [at right:] Pr. 6.|s | Enter’d at Stationers Hall. | Printed for the Author, & to be had at Corri & C.|o Dean Street, Soho | and Bridge Street, Edinburgh.

  • Craw Catalogue N.: C 97
  • RISM ID: 990015743
  • RISM ID.: A/I D 4033
  • Shelfmark: JLD.orch.11
Dussek, Jan Ladislav, Orchestral MusicPrintdussek-jan-ladislav orchestral-music
113Arch. MS. 061
[title page:] Trois Grandes | SONATES | Pour le Piano, | avec Accompagnement de Violoncelle. | COMPOSÉES | Par | BERNARD ROMBERG | Membre du Conservatoire de France. | Œuvre […] Prix [..] | NB Pour la facilité de l’execution l’auteur à transcrit la partie | de Violoncelle en une partie de Violon. | A PARIS | Chez M.|l|l|e|s ERARD, Rue du Mail, N.|o 37. | Propriété des Editeurs. Deposé à la Bibliotheque N.|l|e | A Lyon Chez Garnier Place de la Comédie N.|o 18.
Romberg, Bernhardromberg-bernhard
Three | SONATAS, | for the | Piano Forte | With an Accompaniment for a | VIOLIN, | Composed by | J. L. Dussek. | An Improved Edition. | [left:] Op. 46 [right:] Price 4|s/ | London, Printed by I. & G. BALLS, at their Music Warehouse, | 408, Oxford Street.
Chamber Music, Dussek, Jan Ladislavchamber-music dussek-jan-ladislav
Cinquième | CONCERTO | Pour le Forté-Piano | AVEC ORCHESTRE (Ad-libitzum) | Composé | PAR J. L. DUSSEK | Edition Corrigée. | Ce Concerto a été exécuté par l’Auteur au Concert de M.|r Libon | OEuvre 22. | Prix. 7.|f 50.|c | à Paris | Chez SIEBER Père, Professeru et Editeur de Musique, Rue S.|t Honoré, Hôtel d’Aligre, N.|o 123. | 1414. [right:] Choizeau Scrip.
Dussek, Jan Ladislav, Orchestral Musicdussek-jan-ladislav orchestral-music
119Arch. MS. 062
Tre | SONATE | per il | Clavicembalo o Forté-Piano | con l’accompagnemento d’un | Violino e Basso | Composte dal Sig. | MUZIO. CLEMENTI. | [left:] Opera [by hand: 22.] [right:] prezzo 7.|tt 10 | A PARIS. | Chéz SIEBER Musicien rue Honoré la porte Cochère entre celles des | Vieilles Etuves et d’Orléans. N.|o 85. | 814. 820.
Clementi, Muzioclementi-muzio
Overture to Matrimony | as performed with universal Applause at the | THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. | Composed by | M. P. King. | [left:] Ent. at Stat. Hall. [right:] Pr. 2s/- | Lond. Printed for the Author , 14 Broad St. Golden Square _& to be had of all the Music sellers.
King, Matthew Peterking-matthew-peter