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ID N.ShelfmarkComposerDetailsTitle Pagehf:doc_categories
053Arch. MS. 001Pleyel, IgnaceThree original sonatas in which are introduced the favorite airs of “Whither my love” with an accompaniment for a violin & bass either obligato or ad libitum by Ignace Pleyel. Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co. … London, & Bridge Street, Edinburgh
  • RISM N.: 990051199
  • RISM ID: A/I P 3779
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 001
054Arch. MS. 002Viotti, Giovanni BattistaSix | Duos concertants | pour | Deux Violons | Composés par | I. B. VIOTI. | Oeuvre V. Liv. I | Chez B. Schott à Maience. | [left:] N|o 235. | 237. [center:] 5. F.|r. 20. C.|t. [right:] P.|r 2 fl. 24.|xr viotti-giovanni-battista
055Arch. MS. 003Boccherini, LuigiSIX Nouveaux QUINTETTI Pour deux Violons, Alto et deux Violoncelles, Composés Par L. BOCCHERINI. N.A Le 1.er Violoncelle peut être remplacé par l’Alto-Violoncelle. Op. 48. [by hand: 1] Livraison. Ecrit par Malbestel, Rue du Roule, N.o 8. A PARIS, Chez J. Pleyel, Auteur et Editeur de Musique, et Fabricant de Piano-Fortel, Boulevard Bonne-nouvelle, N.o 8. Propriété de l’Editeur. Déposée à la D.on G.ale de la Librairie. Prix: 12.fr
  • RISM N.: 990005926
  • RISM ID: A/I B 3184; BB 3184
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 003
056Arch. MS. 004Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonQuatuor | Pour le Piano-Forté, | Violon, Viole et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | Á MONSIEUR RODE | par | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse. | Leipsic, chez Breitkopf & Härtel. | Oeuv. 6. Pr. 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.
  • RISM N.: 991030072
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,20
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 004
057Arch. MS. 005Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonQuatuor | Pour le Piano-Forte | Violon, Alto et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | à son Altesse Royale | Madame la Princesse Ferdinande de Prusse | par son fils | Louis Prince de Prusse. | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Oeuv. 5 – Pr. 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.
  • RISM N.: 991030070
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,18
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 005
058Arch. MS. 006Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonTRIO | Pour le Piano-Forte | avec Violon et Violoncelle. | composé et dédié | à Son Altesse Serenissime | Madame la Duchesse de Courlande | par | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse | à Leipsic chez Breitkopf & Härtel | Oeuv. 3 – Pr: 2 Rthlr: | 383.
  • RISM N.: 991030062
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,10
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 006
059Arch. MS. 007Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonTRIO | Pour le Piano-Forte | avec Violon et Violoncelle | composé et dédié | au Prince Antoine Radziwill | par | Louis Ferdinand | PRINCE DE PRUSSE | chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Oev. 2 – Pr: 2 Rthlr: | 382.
  • RISM N.: 991030060
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,8
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 007
060Arch. MS. 008Preußen, Louis Ferdinand vonQUINTETTO | Pour le Piano-Forte, | avec accompagnement | de deux Violons, Viole et Violoncelle | composee et dédié | À MONSIEUR HIMMEL | Maintre de Chapelle de Sa Majesté le Roi de Prusse. | PAR | Louis Ferdinand Prince de Prusse | chez Breitkopf & Härtel à Leipsic. | Pr: 2 Rthlr. 12 gr.
  • RISM N.: 991030055
  • RISM ID: A/I LL 2887 I,3
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 008
061Arch. MS. 009Clementi, MuzioClementi’s selection of practical harmony, for the organ or piano forte; containing voluntaries, fugues, canons, & other ingenious pieces by the most eminent composers, to which is prefixed an epitome of counterpoint by the editor, vol. 1(-4) [London, Clementi, Banger, Collard, Davis & Collard]
  • RISM N.: 990010560
  • RISM ID: A/I C 3143; CC 3143
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 009
62Arch. MS. 010Viotti, Giovanni BattistaAMANTI CHE NEL CORE | The Favorite Pollacca as Sung by | SIGNORA BANTI, | At the King’s Theatre, Haymarket. | In the Opera of | LA SERVA PADRONA, | Composed by | SIGNOR VIOTTI | Arranged with an Accompaniment for the Piano Forte by D. Corri. | [right: ] Pr. 3.|s | [left:] Ent.|d at Stationiers Hall [right:] Instrumental parts to be had separate Pr.|s1. | Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co., Music Sellers to her Majesty, N.|o 67, Dean Street Soho, & Bridge Street, Edinburgh. | NB. This Air is Arranged with English Words Price 1.|s & Likewise for the Piano Forte by J. L. Dussek Pr. 1|s/6
  • RISM N.: 990066698
  • RISM ID: A/I V 1704; VV 1704
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 010
063Arch. MS. 011Boccherini, LuigiSinfonia per due violini é Violoncello | di Luigi Boccherini di Luca | Opera 4. Sinfonia 3. [incipit] boccherini-luigi
064Arch. MS. 012Boccherini, LuigiSinfonia per due Violini é Violoncello | di Luigi Boccherini di Luca | Opera 4. Sinfonia 2. | boccherini-luigi
065Arch. MS. 013Clementi, MuzioTwelve waltzes for the piano-forte, with an accompaniment for a tamburino & triangle … op. 38 [London, Muzio Clementi & Co.]
  • RISM N.: 990010466
  • RISM ID: A/I C 3049
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 013
066Arch. MS. 014Clementi, MuzioDue Canzonette | ridotte | Per Clavicembalo o Piano-Forte | del Sig.r | MUZIO CLEMENTI | In Vienna e Magonza presso Artaria Comp. clementi-muzio
067Arch. MS. 015Clementi, MuzioVARIAZIONI | sul Tema |: Gott erhalte den Kaiser | di Haydn | per il | Clavicembalo, Violino e Violoncello / ad libitum / | dal Sig.|r | MUZIO CLEMENTI. | a Vienne presso Artaria e Comp. | [left:] 1540
  • RISM N.: 991016353
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 3131f
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 014
068Arch. MS. 016Clementi, MuzioTrois Sonatines | doigtées | pour le | PIANOFORTE | composées | PAR | MUZIO CLEMENTI | [left:] Oe. XXXVIII. [center:] Mit Applicatur. [right:] Pr. 16 gr. | Leipzig, chez C. F. Peters. | Bureau de Musique clementi-muzio
069Arch. MS. 017Clementi, MuzioTROIS | Sonates | POUR | Clavecin Ou Forté-Piano | Avec Flûte ou Violon et Violoncelle Adlibitum | Composées et dédiés | A M. Newbery | PAR | MUZIO CLEMENTI | [left:] op. XXXII [right:] Prix: […] | A PARIS | Chez SIEBER père, Éditeur et M.|d de Musique, rue Coquiellere N. |o 22, près celle J. J. Rousseau, (ci-devant rue S.|t Honoré hôtel d Aligre.) | 1354
  • RISM N.: 991016314
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 2989a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 017
070Arch. MS. 018Cramer, Johann BaptistAIR SAXON | Avec huit Variations | INTRODUCTION ET FINALE | Pour | Le Forté-Piano | Dédié | Miss Mercer Elphinstone | Par | J. B. CRAMER | Prix 4.|r 50.|c | Propriété de l’Editeur | Déposée au Bureau […] | à Paris, | Chez Aug.|t|e LE DUC, Editeur et M.|d de Musique, Rue de Richelieu N.|o 78 pres celle Feydeau | 961 cramer-johann-baptist
071Arch. MS. 019Steibelt, DanielTwo | Sonatas | for the | PIANO FORTE | With Accompaniment for | Violin & Violoncello, | ad libitum | Composed by | D. STEIBELT | [left:] Op. 61 [center:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 7,,6, | London, | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26 Cheapside. steibelt-daniel
072Arch. MS. 020Webbe, SamuelHAYDN’S | Favorite Quartett, | adapted as a | DUET, | for the | Piano Forte | BY | M.|r Sam.|l Webbe Jun.|r | [right:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 5.|s | LONDON. | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, | 26 Cheapside. webbe-samuel
073Arch. MS. 021Krumpholtz, Jean-BaptisteTWO | DUETTS | for | TWO Harps | or | Two | Piano Fortes | Composed by | J. B. Krumpholtz | [left:] Opera 5. [right:] Price 7.|s 6.|d | LONDON, | Printed & Sold by R.|t Birchall, at his Musical Circulating Library 133 New Bond Street | Where may be had […]
  • RISM N.: 990035615
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 2847; KK 2847
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 021
074Arch. MS. 022Bishop, Henry RowleySweet Maid, | A favorite Song, | SUNG BY M.|R|S BLAND. | (with an Accompaniment for the HARP.) | at the late Theatre Royal Drury Lane, in the Opera of the | Circassian Bride | COMPOSED BY H. R. BISHOP | [left:] Ent. at Sta. Hall. [right:] Price 1/6 | London, Printed for the Author, by L.Lavenu, 26, New Bond Street. bishop-henry-rowley
075Arch. MS. 023Barry, AugustusThe Timid Tear | Written by Tho.|s Moore Esqr. | The Music Composed & dedicated to His Friend | SIR JOHN STEVENSON, | BY | The Hon.|b|l|e Augustus Barry. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. [center:] LONDON, [right:] Price 1,6 | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26, Cheapside, | NB The above Song is Harmonized by M.|r Webbe barry-augustus
076Arch. MS. 024Stevenson, John AndrewMy Love is far away. | A CANZONET | with an Accompaniment for the | PIANO FORTE,| Composed by | Sir J. A. Stevenson. | [left:] Ent.|d at Stat hall. [center:] LONDON [right:] Price 1/6 | Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis, 26 Cheapside;| & Sold at all the Music Shops in England and Ireland
  • RISM N.: 991003639
  • RISM ID.: A/I SS 6233a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 024
077Arch. MS. 025Stevenson, John AndrewWhen I found that my Delia was gone. A canzonet with an accompaniment for the piano forte. [London, Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard & Davis]
  • RISM N.: 990062614
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 6328
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 025
078Arch. MS. 026Campbell, Thomas
ERIN GO BRAGH. | Set for the | VOICE and PIANO-FORTE, | Written by Thomas Campbell. | Author of the Pleasures of Hope &. | [left:] Entered in Stationers Hall [right:] Price 1/= | EDINBURGH, Printed and Sold by J. HAMILTON, N.|o 24, North Bridge Street.
079Arch. MS. 027Anonymus
THE BOATIE ROWS | A Favorite Old Scots Song| Set for the | Voice, Piano Forte, | Violin or Flute | &. | [left:] Entered in Stationers hall [right:] Price 6/|d. | EDINGBURGH Printed and Sold by MUIR WOOD & Co. N.|o 7. Leith Street. [space] and at | M.|r F. Linley’s N.|o 42. Penton Street Penton Ville London. where may also be had, Up an’ War them | a’ Willie, with Var.|s 1 /, Lady Madelena Sinclair, with D.|o 1/6. Instruments Lent out, Tuned etc.
080Arch. MS. 028Anonymus
OF A’ THE AIRTS THE WIND’ CAN BLAW | A favorite Old Scots Tune | the Words by | Rob.|t Burns | Set for the | VOICE, PIANO FORTE, VIOLIN, & GER: FLUTE | [left:] Entered in Stationers hall. [right:] Price 6.|d | Edinburgh Printed & Sold by MUIR WOOD & Co. Music Sellers N.|o 7 Leith Street.
081Arch. MS. 029Ross, John
LOGAN WATER. | Written by John Mayne Esq.r | the Symphonies and Accompaniments. | COMPOSED BY M.|R ROSS. | [at bottom:] Sold by J HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge […]
082Arch. MS. 030Anonymus
SCOTS WHA HAE WI’ WALLACE BLED. | Written by Robert Burns. | EDINBURGH, Printed and Sold by JOHN HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge | [right:] Price /6
083Arch. MS. 031Anonymus
O LET ME IN THIS AE NIGHT. | Written by Rob.|t Burns. | EDIN.|r, Printed and Sold by JOHN HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge | [right:] Price 6.|d
084Arch. MS. 032Anonymus
AULD LANGSYNE. | An Old Scots Song. | [right:] Price 6.|d | EDINBURGH, Printed & Sold by J. HAMILTON N.|o 24 North Bridge Street.
085Arch. MS. 033Cramer, Johann Baptist
If in that Angel breast. | A Song | with an Accompaniment | for the Piano Forte, | Composed by | J. B. CRAMER. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall. [right:] Price 1/6 | London, Printed by Clementi & Comp., 26 Cheapside.
086Arch. MS. 034Paisiello, Giovanni
Whither, my Love, ah! whither art thou gone? | Sung by Signora Storace in the | HAUNTED TOWER | The Music by Sig|r Paisiello | Entered at Stationer’s Hall. [right:] Price 1.|s | London Printed by Longman, Clementi & C.|o, 26 Cheapside
  • RISM N.: 1001252966
  • RISM ID.: A/I P 564; PP 564
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 034
087Arch. MS. 035Kelly, Michael
The Wife’s Farewell or | NO MY LOVE NO. | The Favorite Ballad as | Sung by Miss De Camp | In the much admired Farce of | AGE TO-MORROW | Written by M. G. Lewis Esq.|r | Composed by Michael Kelly. | [right:] Price 1.|s/ | LONDON. | Printed for M. Kelly at his Musical Saloon 9 Pall Mall.
  • RISM N.: 990033176
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 339; KK 339
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 035
088Arch. MS. 036Webbe, Samuel
London Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU Musik Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29 New Bond Street. | THE TRAVELLER, | A Favorite Ballad, | As Sung by M.|r Harrison, at the Vocal Concerts | Composed by | S. WEBBE. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. hall [right:] Pr. 1.|s
089Arch. MS. 037Abrams, Harriett
London. Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU, Music Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29, New Bond Street. | Crazy Jane, | A Favorite Song, | The Words by M. LEWIS. Esq.|r | And Set to Music, with an Accompaniment for the | Harp or Piano Forte. | By Miss Abrams. | [at left] Ent. at Stationers Hall [at right] Pr. 1.|s 6
  • RISM N.: 990000194
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 037
090Arch. MS. 038Kelly, Michael
The Grand March | in the Romance of | BLUE BEARD | FOR THE PIANO FORTE | with an Accompaniment for TAMBOURINE & GUITAR | Composed by | MICHAEL KELLY | Enter’d at Stationers Hall | Printed for Corri, Dussek & Co. Music Sellers to the Royal Family N.|o 28 HayMarket, London | North Bridge S.|t South S.|t Andrew S.|t Edinburgh
  • RISM N.: 990033152
  • RISM ID.: A/I K 315; KK 315
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 38
091Arch. MS. 039Dance, William
London, Printed & Sold by L. LAVENU, Music Seller to His | Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 29 New Bond Sreet. | PRELUDES | for the | Piano-Forte, | in Various Keys. | Adapted to the different capacities of Learners. | COMPOSED | and respectfully inscribed to | Miss Ellin Devis | by | WILLIAM DANCE, | Musician in Ordinary to his Majesty. | Ent.|d at Stationers Hall | [left:] Published October, 1800 [right:] Price 6 Shilings | NB. As above may be had by the same Author. | […]
  • RISM N.: 990012780
  • RISM ID.: A/I D 884; DD 884
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 39
092Arch. MS. 040Dalayrac, Nicolas-Marie
Ouverture | L’AMANTE STATUE | ARRANGÉE | Pour le Clavecin | avec Accomganement | de Violon ad Libitum | PAR | A. H. WENCK | Prix 2.|t|t 8.|s | A PARIS | [Boyer] | Ecrit par Ribière
093Arch. MS. 041Asioli, Bonifacio
In quell età ch’io misurar solea | SONETTO DEL ZAPPI, | Posto in Musica con Accompagnamento di | FORTE PIANO, | DA | Bonifacio Asioli. | [right:] Price 2.|S | London, Printed & Sold by Mess.|r|s Birchall & C|o 133 New Bond Street
094Arch. MS. 042Asioli, Bonifacio
TWELVE DUETTOS | With an Accompanyment for the | PIANO-FORTE | Composed and Dedicated to | HER EXCELLENCY THE MARCHIONESS GHERARDINI | LITTA | By Signor Bonifacio Asioli | CORREGGIANO. | [left:] Entered at Stationers Hall. [right:] Price 10.|S 6.|d | London, Printed by R.|t Birchall, N.|o 133 New Bond Street.| where may be had by the same Author. | La Partenza by Metastasio Op. 2 and Six Notturni & Two Eco’s. | with an Accompaniment for the Harp Op. 3 Pr. each 10|s 6
095Arch. MS. 043Cramer, Johann Baptist
CLEMENTI & COMP|Y|S | Collection of | Rondos Airs | WITH | VARIATIONS | AND | Military Pieces | FOR THE | Piano Forte | By the most Esteemed | COMPOSERS. | London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Davis & Collard, Cheapside. | No. 35
A FAVOURITE IRISH MELODY | FLY NOT YET. | [at left:] Adapted as a Rondo [at right:] By J. B. Cramer.
096Arch. MS. 044Cramer, Johann Baptist
Beviamo tutti tre | ADAPTED FOR THE | PIANO FORTE, | IN WHICH |is Introduced as a slow Movement, | The favorite GLEE of | We be Soldiers three. | BY | J. B. CRAMER. | [right:] 3|s/ | London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard, & Davis, 26, Cheapside.
097Arch. MS. 045Cramer, Johann Baptist
A | Venetian Air, | And | This cold flinty Heart, | Arranged as a | Rondo | for the | PIANO FORTE, | By | J. B. Cramer. | [right:] Pr 2/6 | London, Printed by Clementi & C.|o | 26, Cheapside.
098Arch. MS. 046Cramer, Johann Baptist
And are ye sure the news is true, adapted as a rondo for the piano forte in which is introduced as an Andante the favorite air in ARIADNE | BY | J. B. CRAMER. | [London, Printed by Clementi, Banger, Hyde, Collard, & Davis]
099Arch. MS. 047Cramer, Johann Baptist
Grand | MILITARY RONDO | for the | Piano Forte, | Composed | By | J. B. CRAMER | OP. 34 | [left:] N.|o 1 [right:] Pr. 2|s | London, Printed by Clementi & C.|o, 26, Cheapside.
101Arch. MS. 049Ferrari, Giacomo Gotifredo
SCÉNE | Consisting of a | Solo and Pollacca | Performed & Sung by M.|R|S BILLINGTON, in the Opera of| Il Fantico per la Musica, | arranged for the | Piano Forte, | with an Accompaniment for the FLUTE ad libitum, | Composed & Dedicated to | Miss Mildmay | BY | G. G. FERRARI. | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 3.|s | London, Printed & Sold by R.|t Birchall. N.|o 133 New Bond Street. | NB. This Scene may be had with the Voice part as sung by M.|r|s Billington, Price 4.|s
  • RISM N.: 991018174
  • RISM ID.: A/I FF 318a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 49
102Arch. MS. 050Latour, Jean Théodore
The celebrated | Gavotte de Vestris, | With Variations for the | Piano Forte | with an Accompaniment for the | FLUTE | ad libitum | Composed & Dedicated to Miss March Philipps | BY | T. LATOUR, | Pianiste to His Royal Highness the Prince Regent, | [left:] Ent.|d at Sta. Hall [right:] Price 3/|s | London, Printed & Sold by Chappell & Co. Music & Musical Instrument Sellers. | 124, New Bond Street.
103Arch. MS. 051Soler, Antonio
L’Eventail, | Composed by the Celebrated | SOLAR [!] | Of Madrid | As Performed by | M.|M BARTOLOZZI. | [right:] Pr. 1/6 | London | Printed by G. Walker, Publisher of Books & | Music 105 & 106 G|t Portland St.
104Arch. MS. 052Steibelt, Daniel
Six | SONATES | pour | le Piano Forte, | dont quatre avec Violon Obligé, | et deux Flûte Obligée | Divisées en deux parties, | Dédiées | à Mademoiselle | Eugénie de Beaumarchais | par | D. Steibelt | [1] Partie Prix 15.|l|l | œuvre XI | A PARIS | chez Boyer | M|e|l|l|e Marie Scrip.
  • RISM N.: 1001257872
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 4932; SS 4932
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 52
105Arch. MS. 053Steibelt, Daniel
GRANDE SONATE | POUR LE PIANO FORTE | COMPOSEE ET DEDIEE | PAR D. STEIBELT | A MADAME | BONAPARTE | [left:] OEUVRE 59. [right:] PRIX 7.f 50.e | A PARIS, chez M.elles Erard, Rue du Mail. N.o 37. A LYON chez Garnier place de la Comédie | Propriété des Editeurs Enregistré à la Bibliotheque. | La Musique gravée par Richomme
  • RISM N.: 990061403
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 5093; SS 5093
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 53
106Arch. MS. 054Steibelt, Daniel
Air et thèmes variées [!] pour le Forte-Piano … 1|r|e suite. [Paris, Cochet]
  • RISM N.: 990061588
  • RISM ID.: A/I S 5280; SS 5280
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 54
107Arch. MS. 055Steibelt, Daniel
Le Berger | et son Troupeau | RONDEAU PASTORAL | Pour le Piano | Composé | par D. Steibelt | Prix 3.|t|t 12.|s | Propriété des Éditeurs. [space] Déposé à la Bibliothèque Impériale. | A Paris | [Duhan]
108Arch. MS. 056Steibelt, Daniel
FANTAISIE | Avec neuf Variations | sur la Valze Russe | Pour le Forte Piano | DEDIEE | à Madame de la Hante | PAR D. STEIBELT. | PRIX 6.|t|t | A PARIS | Chez SIEBERT M.d de Musique et d’Instruments, Rue de la Loi N.o 1245 | presque vis-à-vis la Fontaine traversière à la Flûte Enchantée | 404
  • RISM N.: 991003329
  • RISM ID.: A/I SS 5412a
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 56
109Arch. MS. 057Steibelt, Daniel
[4.] POT POURRI | D’AIRS CONNUS | Arrangés | pour Clavecin | OÙ | PIANO-FORTE. | PAR | D: Steibelt. | Prix | A Paris Chez LE DUC, Editeur de Musique au Magasin d’Instrumens Rue Neuve des | Petits Champs N.|o 1286 vis à vis la Trésorerie. | [at bottom right:] 274
110Arch. MS. 058Naderman, François-Joseph
Les Regrets. | DUO | Pour Harpe et Piano | DÉDIÉ | aux Mânes de J. L. Dussek | et Composé | Par son Ami F. J. Naderman | [illustration] | OEuvre 30. 5.e Livre de Duo. Prix 10 fr. | A PARIS chez Naderman, Editeur de Musique et Facteur de Harpe, Rue de Richelieu, Passage de l’ancien Caffé de Foi | à la Clef d’Or. | […] sculp.
111Arch. MS. 059Clementi, Muzio
Batti Batti | Schmäle, schmäle, lieber Junge! | de l’Opéra: | Don Giovanni da W. A. Mozart | avec une Introduction et Coda | arrangé | Pour le Piano-Forte | et dédié | à Madame Frigerio (de Milan) | par | MUZIO CLEMENTI | Membre de l’Académie Royale de Stockholm | Chez Breitkopf & Härtel a Leipsic |Pr. 10 Gr.
  • RISM N.: 990010565
  • RISM ID.: A/I C 3148; A/I M 4679; MM 4679
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 59
112Arch. MS. 060Clementi, Muzio
TROIS SONATES | Pour Clavecin Ou Forte Piano | Avec Violon et Violoncelle | COMPOSES ET DEDIEES | A Miß Blake | M. CLEMENTI. | Œuvre XXVIII | Prix 9.|t|t| A. PARIS. | Chéz le S.|r Sieber Musicien rue S.|t honore entre celles des Vieilles Etuves | et celle D’orleans [crossed out: chéz L’Apothicaire], N|o 85
  • RISM N.: 991016311
  • RISM ID.: A/I CC 2970b
  • Shelfmark: Arch. MS. 60
113Arch. MS. 061Romberg, Bernhard
[title page:] Trois Grandes | SONATES | Pour le Piano, | avec Accompagnement de Violoncelle. | COMPOSÉES | Par | BERNARD ROMBERG | Membre du Conservatoire de France. | Œuvre […] Prix [..] | NB Pour la facilité de l’execution l’auteur à transcrit la partie | de Violoncelle en une partie de Violon. | A PARIS | Chez M.|l|l|e|s ERARD, Rue du Mail, N.|o 37. | Propriété des Editeurs. Deposé à la Bibliotheque N.|l|e | A Lyon Chez Garnier Place de la Comédie N.|o 18.
119Arch. MS. 062Clementi, Muzio
Tre | SONATE | per il | Clavicembalo o Forté-Piano | con l’accompagnemento d’un | Violino e Basso | Composte dal Sig. | MUZIO. CLEMENTI. | [left:] Opera [by hand: 22.] [right:] prezzo 7.|tt 10 | A PARIS. | Chéz SIEBER Musicien rue Honoré la porte Cochère entre celles des | Vieilles Etuves et d’Orléans. N.|o 85. | 814. 820.
120Arch.MS.063King, Matthew Peter
Overture to Matrimony | as performed with universal Applause at the | THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. | Composed by | M. P. King. | [left:] Ent. at Stat. Hall. [right:] Pr. 2s/- | Lond. Printed for the Author , 14 Broad St. Golden Square _& to be had of all the Music sellers.