Giornovichi’s, | TWO FAVORITE CONCERTOS, | arranged as Sonatas for the | PIANO FORTE, | with an Accompaniment for a Violin, | by | J. L. DUSSEK. | [at right margin:] Price 7.|s 6.|d | Dedicated to | Miss Louisa Boscawen de Visme, | & Miss Harriet de Visme. | LONDON, | PRINTED BY CORRI, DUSSEK, & C.|o Music Sellers to their Majesties, their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, & Duchess of York, at their Warehouses N.o 67. &. 68. Dean Street Soho, N.o 28. Haymarket & Bridge Street Edinburgh Entered at Stationers Hall
- Craw Catalogue N.:
- RISM ID: 990021544
- RISM N.: A/I G 2400
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