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sabato, Luglio 27, 2024

Tag: politics

Music Criticism 1950-2000

edited by Roberto Illiano and Massimiliano Locanto, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019 (Music, Criticism & Politics, 8), pp. xxiv + 420, ISBN 978-2-503-58442-3. Contents This book addresses the...

Music and Resistance

International Conference Lucca, 11-13 December 2020 in collaboration with the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (I+D+i RTI2018-093436-B-I00 “Music and Dance in Sociocultural, Identity and Political Processes during the...

Jehoash Hirshberg, Opera in Search of a Just Ruler for a Unified Italy

Turnhout, Brepols, 2017 (Music, Criticism & Politics, 4), pp. xvi+122, ISBN 978-2-503-57739-5. Contents With the establishment of Il Regno d’Italia in 1861 the heydays of Risorgimento...

Protest Music in the Twentieth Century

edited by Roberto Illiano, Turnhout, Brepols, 2015 (Music, Criticism & Politics, 1), pp. xiv+418, isbn 978-2-503-56628-3. Contents The subject of this monograph is protest music and...

Music and Propaganda in the Short Twentieth Century

edited by Massimiliano Sala, Turnhout, Brepols, 2014 (Speculum Musicae, 22), pp. xii+472, ISBN 978-2-503-55246-0. Contents This volume investigates the relationships between music and propaganda in the...

VIVA V.E.R.D.I.: Music from Risorgimento to the Unification of Italy

edited by Roberto Illiano, Turnhout, Brepols, 2013 (Studies on Italian Music History, 8), pp. xii+396, ISBN: 978-2-503-54884-5. Contents The present book investigates the musical landscape of...

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