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Home Music, Science and Technology

Music, Science and Technology

Directed by Massimiliano Sala
This series investigates the relationships between music, science and technology; specifically, it aims to publish the most up-to-date research in the field of music and science in the widest possible sense, from the relationships with neuroscience to the clinical-therapeutic implications of music therapy and educational aspects in music pedagogy.
Emphasis is given to the deepening of acoustic physics, sound engineering and the relationship between mathematics and music in music theory and the compositional process.

Scholarly Committee
Elaine Chew (Queen Mary University of London) Ian Cross (University of Cambridge)
Thomas Fiore (University of Michigan-Dearborn) Andrew King (University of Hull) Massimiliano Locanto (Università degli Studi di Salerno)

Music and Science from Leonardo to Galileo

edited by Rudolf Rasch, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022 (Music, Science & Technology, 5), pp. xl+440, ISBN 978-2-503-60080-2. Contents Music is not only an art (either as the...

Sound, Music and Architecture

edited by Roberto Illiano, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Music, Science and Technology, 7), pp. xiv+410 + 16 color ills., ISBN 978-2-503-61183-9. This book traces the relationship...

Franck Jedrzejewski, La musique dodécaphonique et sérielle: une nouvelle histoire

Turnhout, Brepols, 2021 (Music, Science & Technology, 3), pp. XIV+522, ISBN 978-2-503-59486-6. Contents At the beginning of the twentieth century, Arnold Schönberg proposed a new way of...

Twentieth-Century Music and Mathematics

edited by Roberto Illiano, with an Introduction by Massimiliano Locanto, Turnhout, Brepols, 2019 (Music, Science and Technology, 1), pp. xxxiv+382, ISBN: 978-2-503-58570-3 Contents Music and mathematics have...

Music in the Disruptive Era

edited by David Hurwitz and Pedro Ordóñez Eslava, Turnhout, Brepols, 2022 (Music, Science & Technology, 4), pp. xii+272, ISBN 978-2-503-60079-6. Contents Music in the Disruptive Era...

Forthcoming Publications

Music and Institutions in Fascist Italy

edited by Roberto Illiano and Luca Lévi Sala, Turmhout, Brepols, 2024 (Music, Criticism & Politics, 10), pp. xxx+416, ISBN 978-2-503-61184-6. Contents In the 1920s and 1930s,...

Musical Exoticism. The Mediterranean and Beyond in the Long Nineteenth Century

edited by Michael Christoforidis and Ramón Sobrino, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Speculum Musicae, 53). The sound image of Otherness has been a significant source of inspiration...

Max Richter: History, Memory and Nostalgia

edited by Delphine Vincent, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Contemporary Composers, 6). A major figure in the world of contemporary music, Max Richter has barely been studied...

Franco Sciannameo, The Journey of Phil Trajetta: From Italian Political Prisoner to Free American...

Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Studies on Italian Music History, 20). This new monograph synthesizes and contextualises the details surrounding the life and work of Filippo (Phil)...

Remapping the Classics: Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven in Spain during the Long Nineteenth Century

edited by Miguel Ángel Marín and Teresa Cascudo, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024, (Speculum Musicae, 54). This publication is the first to explore the collective reception of...

New Releases

Sound, Music and Architecture

edited by Roberto Illiano, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Music, Science and Technology, 7), pp. xiv+410 + 16 color ills., ISBN 978-2-503-61183-9. This book traces the relationship...

Chamber Music in Europe (1850-1918): Composition, Mediation and Reception

edited by Catrina Flint de Médicis and François de Médicis, Turnhout, Brepols, 2024 (Speculum Musicae, 52), pp. xviii+360, ISBN 978-2-503-61176-1. Contents The present volume has been...

Clementi Correspondence and Other Documents

edited by David Rowland, Bologna, Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2024 (CCE 5), pp. lxxxvi+134, ISBN: 978-88-8109-542-1. Contents The Introduction to the first scholarly edition of Clementi’s letters...

Luciane Beduschi. Padre Martini’s Closed and Enigmatic Canons with Solutions by Luigi Cherubini

A 19th-Century Guide into Renaissance Music Riddles, Turnhout, Brepols, 2023 (Studies on Italian Music History, 19), pp. xiv+336, ISBN 978-2-503-60847-1. The present volume has been...

6 Quintets for Flute or Oboe, 2 Violins, Viola and Violoncello Op. 19 (G...

edited by Rudolf Rasch, Bologna, Ut Orpheus Edizioni, 2023 , ISMN: 979-0-2153-2821-1, BCE 12. Contents Preview   In all, Boccherini wrote three sets of six flute quintets. The...